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Anytown Academy

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Class 15





Class Information


We have PE every other Thursday.

This half term we are looking at gym and dance so children will need to wear indoor PE kit every other week. 




A homework project is given out each half term. In year 6 we expect children to produce a substantial project that demonstrates imagination and creativity. We are happy for family members to help them with their projects as long as the children take ownership of it.  Once each project is brought into school the children will have 2-3 minutes to present it to the rest of the class.



This Half Term Homework

Date given: 16.01.14

Date due in: 3.03.14


Dear Parent/Guardian


Science is our new Topic this term.  As part of this exciting new topic we will be studying Light.  We would like the children to create a ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire’ quiz.  The children will then test their peers and try to win the most amount of money!  Here are some examples of what could be included in the quiz:


How does light travel?

How do we see light and colour?

What is a luminous and non-luminous object?

Define translucent.

What would you use a periscope for?

How are rainbows formed?


Year 6- These are only examples of the types of questions you could include in your quiz!  As long as your quiz is about Light you can include any question you like, so remember to listen in class and do your research over  the next few weeks.  Good Luck! 


Our Topic




Our Topic this term is science. We have been investigating Light. Here we are experimenting in groups:

An exciting opportunity!


After half term, we have been invited to watch a time capsule get buried in the ground.  The time capsule will stay there for up to 100 years.  Your opportunity is to be part of this ‘freezing of time’.  On one sheet of A4 paper create a piece of artwork, writing or ICT about Canton now or what you think it will be like in the future.  Some pieces of work will be put forward to go into the time capsule.  It will be buried on Cowbridge Road and we will watch this exciting event.


Please bring in your work on the first day back after half term.

Remember, Miss Sullivan's maths group to do your homework over half term.

Due in the first day back after half term.



Eisteddfod competitions


Your competition entries need to be brought back to school on the 3rd of March 2014.


  • Class homework (Light)
  • Make cakes with a Welsh theme


Please learn your Eisteddfod poem over half term.


Revision guides- Reading and Number


Remember to complete your activities over half term and bring your work back on the 3rd of March.


Have a lovely half term break!smiley