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Anytown Academy

School motto here

Year 3 - Turner Class



Chinese Riddle Song

Our class philosophy is

First, the boring bits!

PE on a THURSDAY. Please could all children bring sports kit and trainers every week, in a bag with their name on. Jewellery should not be worn to school on this day.

Dinner money is collected on a Monday.


Children are encouraged to bring a clear bottle of water to school to drink in the classroom. This keeps the children hydrated (and their brains alert!) and stops unnecessary movement around the school. N.B. No squash please.


Lansdowne 'Snackos' has fruit and milk for sale everyday at breaktime.

Fruit is 30p.

Milk is 20p.

Please could all monies be brought to school in a purse or wallet.


All clothing should have the child's name clearly marked ~ including polo shirts/ tights etc ~ as many items are mislaid after PE lessons. As the winter draws in, gloves, scarves and hats need names as well as coats.



Reading books should be returned on a Thursday for a new one to be allocated for the weekend.


Spelling lists/ words will be given on a Monday with a test on the following Friday. Please practise these words with your child as much as possible.


And now to the classroom:


Our PUPILS have a VOICE this year, and Year 3 children have votes to choose their topics.



We have a new topic for this half-term. It is Sweden, Wales and China. Come back soon to see our work!
Our second topic is the Egyptians!

The process of mummification!

Our first topic is Sport and the Human Body!


We have already learnt lots of weird and wonderful things on our topic area and each week the children will decide where we are going next.

Exciting, yes?

Here are some photos taken during our LEGO challenge. It was great fun, with the children stretching their problem solving skills.