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Anytown Academy

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Year 3 - Cowbridge Class

Croeso i ddosbarth Cowbridge

Welcome to Cowbridge Class


Chinese Riddle Song

We have a new topic for this half-term. It is Sweden, Wales and China. Come back soon to see our work!
This year the children have the privilege of choosing which topics they would like to learn about over the year. The first topic they have chosen is:

Sport and the Human Body

Over the coming weeks, the children will be deciding exactly where they want to go with this topic.  We have already had the experience of looking at the organs in the body (including real organs in class), the skeleton and different ways of measuring our pulse.  Keep an eye on this page for any further details about this topic.



Class Information




Cowbridge class will have their P.E lessons on a Thursday so please ensure that you bring sports wear and sensible shoes every Thursday.

On these days you should not wear any jewelry to school. 




Children will be given a spelling list every Monday which they will be expected to practice at home in preparation for a test every Friday


Half-termly projects will be set and children will be able to work with their families to complete these.