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Anytown Academy

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Reading Books


This year we are prioritising individual reading and have a new system for organising this. 


Children will be listened to reading on a one-to-one basis once a week by their teacher.  Children are allowed to change their book once they have read their current book.  


If children do not bring their book their teacher will attempt to read with them later in the week, but children should be bringing their book everyday.

As well as being heard by their teacher, children will also be called upon randomly throughout the week for extra reading input. This allows our children to receive even more support and practice with their reading.


As well as individual reading, children are heard reading as part of a group in Guided Group Reading sessions. Groups are heard once a week by their teacher and a TA. This allows the children to learn from each other and participate in focussed discussions about the texts they are reading. In Guided reading sessions, children are encouraged to develop higher order reading skills.


What can you do to support your children at home?


As well as all of the support we are investing in children at school. Your support at home is equally as important. research has shown that when children are encouraged to read for pleasure at home, they achieve significantly better than their peers who are not.


Reading your child's book with them a few times a week, if not every evening, will ensure that your child has a better chance of achieving the desired Outcome 5 in Reading by the end of year 2.


--->Click here for tips on reading with your child<-----