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Anytown Academy

School motto here

Year 1 - Fern Class

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Building a telephone box

Mrs Colley and Ms Griffiths with the winners of World Book Day

St David's Day celebrations.

Sink or Float? A science investigation

Sculptures using foam

Music- Exploring real instruments

Heno Heno

Still image for this video

Days of the week

Still image for this video

We've been practising our teamwork skills.

We made a graph using our shoes!

Hanzala did some wonderful art work.

We've even been to Victoria Park to study sculptures.

When we got back to school, we made our own sculptures of Billy the Seal.

We have been planting seeds!

We have planted cress seeds, lettuce seeds and honeydew melon seeds. We want to find out what happens to Mrs Colley's seeds when they don't have water and Ms Griffiths' seeds when they don't have light.

We will let you know the results!