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Anytown Academy

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Nursery AM/ PM - Norfolk Nursery

Welcome to our Nursery Web page


Teacher - Miss H Campbell

Teaching assistants - Miss April, Mrs Bowen, Miss Whelan




School Readiness Programme Starts  - Friday 19th June - Cancelled

Sports week - Monday 22nd June

Open Day for new children  - Nursery Closed all day - Tuesday 30th June 

Nursery Trip to Cefn Mably Farm Park - Monday 6th July   

Early Years Sports Day - 10-11am/2-3pm at Victoria Park - Tuesday 7th July.(Reserve date Thursday 9th July)

Summer Fair - Tuesday 14th July 2.30-5pm



Experts in literacy and child development have discovered that if a child knows eight nursery rhymes by heart by the time they are four years old, they are usually among the best readers and spellers in their class by the time they are in Year 3.


Why is this?

1. Nursery rhymes are a great way into learning early phonic skills (the ability to hear, identify and manipulate letter sounds).

2. Nursery rhymes give children practice in pitch, volume as well as in language rhythm.

3. Nursery rhymes expand your child’s imagination.

4. Nursery rhymes follow a clear sequence of events.

5. Nursery rhymes are easy to repeat, so they become some of a child’s first sentences.

6. Nursery rhymes improve a child’s vocabulary.

7. Nursery rhymes are an early form of poetry.

8. Nursery rhymes contain sophisticated literary devices!

9. Nursery rhymes are fun!


A great resource for songs and rhymes (with music)




Appropriate clothing



An important part of the Foundation Phase is that your child has access to both the indoor and outdoor learning environments. This means that even in bad weather your child will have the opportunity to go outside to learn. We are keen that you send your child to nursery with appropriate clothing and that they bring a rain/warm coat to school every day.



Snack money is collected every Monday. It is £1 per week and covers the cost of providing your child with a daily healthy snack. We endeavour to offer a choice of snack each day so that there is something for everyone. The money also contributes towards buying ingredients for cooking and making play dough.


If you are finding difficult to remember, you can pay for the whole term in one go.

Nursery Lending Library


"Children whose parents frequently read with them in their first year of school are still showing the benefit when they are 15, says an international study"



Come and choose a book for you and your child to enjoy together at home.


Every Friday 11.15 – 11.30 and 3.15 – 3.30 in the sandwich room.

The Library closes promptly so make sure you arrive in time!


Tips for reading with your child


  • Discuss the front cover  - What do they think the story might be about?
  • Explore the pictures encouraging your child to say what is happening on each page or make up their own story based on the pictures
  • Ask them questions about each picture – who is in the picture, what time of day is it, where does the story take place, what are they doing? Etc.
  • Point to the text as you read
  • Discuss how the characters look and are feeling
  • Relate to your child’s own experience – have they ever seen a … or been to the…, how would they feel if that happened to them?
  • Discuss what they liked/disliked about the story. What was their favourite part?
  • Point out the features of books, front/ back cover, title, page, page numbers, picture, text, caption, story/fiction book, information/non-fiction book.
  • Be enthusiastic!


We love reading stories and really value our books, so please take great care with them and return them by the following Friday.




The benefits of playing with play dough

The malleable properties of play dough make it fun for investigation and exploration as well as secretly building up strength in all the tiny hand muscles and tendons,  making them ready for pencil and scissor control later on


Click on the link below 




Make your play dough even more fun by adding these



Best Ever No-Cook Play Dough Recipe!



  • Mix the flour, salt, cream of tartar and oil in a large mixing bowl
  • Add food colouring TO the boiling water then into the dry ingredients (colour optional)
  • Stir continuously until it becomes a sticky, combined dough
  • Add the glycerine (optional)
  • Allow it to cool down then take it out of the bowl and knead it vigorously for a couple of minutes until all of the stickiness has gone. * This is the most important part of the process, so keep at it until it’s the perfect consistency!*
  • (If it remains a little sticky then add a touch more flour until just right)