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Anytown Academy

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Nursery AM/PM - Norfolk Nursery


Welcome to Norfolk Nursery Webpage

A warm welcome to all our new Parents this year, we hope you find this page both enjoyable and informative, we aim to give you an insight into your child's day at nursery, share some of our knowledge and skills and keep you updated on exciting things that are happening in nursery.




Class Teacher - Miss Campbell

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Slattery, Miss Whelan, Mrs Bowen






This year we are using the story of ‘Peter Pan’ as our umbrella story which will run throughout the year. Using this as our vehicle for learning we will cover lots of important topics that are exciting, relevant and fun for the children to learn about.




To begin the topic we will find out all about the 'Darling family' and in doing so learn about our own families.






10 reasons why you should read with your children


Don't forget our lending library is open every day for the children to borrow a book to share with you make sure they have a school book bag available from YC sports      

