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Anytown Academy

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Year 2 - Surrey Class

Welcome to our class page!!

Our new topic is Volcanoes.


Surrey class have just finished a really interesting topic on castles. We know lots about the parts of a castle and what life was like for people who lived in castles.  We found out about the Battle of Hastings, wrote poems and designed our own shields.


Our new topic is Volcanoes.  We are hoping to find out where volcanoes are in our world, if there are any volcanoes in Wales and what happens when volcanoes erupt.  On Wednesday 19th November parents of Surrey class are invited to come and work with their children for an afternoon on this topic.  We are going to make volcano models together.


On Monday 10th November all three year 2 classes went to Bristol Aquarium.  We saw some amazing creatures and found out about how they live.  everybody had a really good day.  We've done some writing to explain what we saw and what our favourite creatures were.  On our open afternoon parents will be able to read our fantastic work.


We've enjoyed learning about our bodies.