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Anytown Academy

School motto here

Class 9




Dinner Money


We collect dinner money on a Monday morning.  School dinner costs £1.90 a day and a full week will cost £9. 



P.E. lessons are held on a Monday every other week.  Here are the next dates for P.E:

Monday 17th February

Monday 10th March

Monday 24th March

Monday 7th April


On P.E. days your child can wear their kit to school.   We recommend children wear/bring:



*Tracksuit bottoms (or shorts - depending on the weather)



*Bottle of water





Year 3 Homework Task 

Spring 1


This half-term our home task in Year 3 is a science based topic task. We would like children to design and make something for yourself to wear or use out of the wrong materials!


E.g A woolen umbrella


Or a paper hat!


Homework should be handed in at the end of the half term.



Many thanks,



Miss Latcham and Mr George

During the autumn term our homework task was based on our learning theme of Music. Class 9 have been working hard to design and make a musical instrument. Here are some of their fantastic designs!

Da iawn, dosbarth 9!