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Anytown Academy

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Internet Safety for Parents

E-Safety at Lansdowne Primary

We take the issue of e-safety very seriously for our students, staff and parents.


The internet is an amazing tool and we encourage students to use it to enhance their education. However there are dangers and it is our responsibility, along with parents and other professionals, to ensure that we educate young people about using the internet safely.


Our pupils and staff follow policies for the acceptable use of devices and maintain an appropriate level of online presence. 


Our internet safety policy can be found in the policies section of our website.

Staff Training

Staff regularly receive e-safety training to ensure they are up to date with the latest developments in e-safety education. The last staff training took place on 1.2.16.


Parental Engagement

Miss Macfadyen recently held an e-safety talk for parents on Safer Internet day (9th February 2016). If you were unable to attend the meeting, here is the presentation that was shown:


E-safety Presentation for parents 9.2.16