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Reception - Thompson & Victoria Park

Welcome to Thompson Park and Victoria Park Reception Classes

Croeso i Ddosbarthiadau Thompson Park and Victoria Park


 Miss Sullivan, Miss Watson and all of the Reception team would like to wish you all a warm welcome to Lansdowne Primary School and the two Reception Classes.  We hope that over the coming year this page will provide you with information about events in the class and also showcase the children's learning and experiences. If you have any questions over the year, please feel free to approach us at the end of the day where we will be more than willing to provide the answers.


Awards and Certificates 


Huge congratulations to our fabulous winners! We are proud of you!


Gold Awards Winners 2019:


Thompson Park

11.01.19  David for listening in class and Noah for great spelling.

18.01.19   Refat for working well in maths and Lola Jade for great descriptive sentences.


Victoria Park
Rukayyah- for fantastic descriptive writing about vegetables.
Serghei- for trying his best all week. 
Kamirah- for doing her morning challenge.
Renzo- for trying his best in phonics. 


Readers of the Week Awards 2019:


Thompson Park

11.01.19 Lauren for moving up a level.

18.01.19 Saned for trying his very best at retelling his story.


Victoria Park

Jacob- for showing such enjoyment when reading. 
Khalid- for moving up to red level. 







Our Learning Journey


Please refer to our termly newsletters for updates about what is happening in school. We have a range of exciting topics, including, What's On the Menu?, Julia Donaldson and Oh I do Like to Be Beside the Seaside. 


Remember to follow us on Twitter!  @CSullivan_LPS            @KWatson_LPS


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Literacy                       What can you do at home to promote your child's Literacy skills?




Talk about your child's experiences.

Record on your phone or write down your child's stories.
Discuss the world around you, for example, at the supermarket, the park or the theatre. 

Encourage your child to answer in full sentences. 

Ask questions using key words, for example, Who? What? Why? When? and How?




Reading is a fundamental part of a child's learning. We encourage you to listen to your child read every day for around 10 minutes. Also, reading to your child will support their reading and comprehension skills. Ask questions about the books you read. Have fun with reading, for example, reading labels at the supermarket, reading road signs or visit your local library. We have sent home your child's details to access Bug Club, this is another tool we use at school to get the children motivated and interested in reading. Bug Club is accessed using a computer or Ipad, children can read books based on their reading levels that their class teacher has chosen for them. 




To enable children to write they need to develop their fine and gross motor skills. Here are some examples of how you can enhance these skills: 

Gross motor skill development:

  • Catching a ball
  • Balancing
  • Climbing
  • Jumping on a trampoline
  • Playing tag
  • Running races

Fine motor skill development:

  • Pencil skills (scribbling, colouring, drawing, writing)
  • Scissors skills (cutting)
  • Construction skills using lego, duplo, puzzles, train tracks
  • Doll dressing and manipulation
  • ICT use (e.g. mouse or Ipad)
  • Dressing – tying shoelaces, doling up sandals, zips, buttons, belts
  • Eating – using cutlery, opening lunch boxes and food bags
  • Hygiene – cleaning teeth, brushing hair, toileting
  • Playing with play dough- Dough Disco on You Tube is a great resource
  • Mark make or write letters/words in shaving foam, glitter or sand


Provide opportunities to write about something your child is interested in, for example, if your child loves dinosaurs, ask them to draw and write about dinosaurs. Celebrate your child's writing by displaying it at home or showing friends and family.

NB: When children are at their early stages of writing, they may just scribble, mark make or begin to draw pictures. 


Remember, have fun!



Numeracy          How can you support your child with their Maths?


 Walking to school 

  • Identifying house numbers.
  • What number comes next?
  • Which side of the street has the even numbers/odd numbers?
  • Estimate and count the steps between lampposts.
  • Count backwards on the way home. Sing number songs.
  • Count how many cuboids, spheres and cylinders you can spot. Which did you see most of?



  • Comparing groups of objects – Who has the most toys? The least sweets? The same number of biscuits?
  • Find totals by counting in steps of one and working out what one more or one less is– How many apples do we have? We need one more/one less apple, how many would that be?
  • Use the language of addition and subtraction – I have 3 red apples and 1 green apple, how many do I have altogether?



For this game you will need a dice and a collection of small things such as Lego bricks, dried beans, pasta shapes etc. You will also need pencil and paper.  Take turns.

  Roll a dice. Take that number of beans. Write down the number.

  Keep rolling the dice and taking that number of beans but, before you take them, you must write down your new total.

For example, Amir has 7. He throws 4. He has to work out how many he will have now. He starts counting from seven: eight, nine, ten and eleven. He writes 11.  You can only take your beans if you are right.

 The first person to collect 20 beans wins.


In the car

  • Listen and sing along to number song CDs.
  • Choose a colour car each and keep a count/tally of how many cars you each see. The person with the most wins.
  • Add the numbers together on car number plates. This can be developed to car bingo - each chooses a target number (best to 10). Think about which pairs of numbers add to make your target. Look out for cars that have two numbers that add up to your target number. The first person to shout bingo when they see a car with their target number wins.

At home 

  • Count the steps as you go upstairs, count backwards as you come down. Develop this to counting in 2s, 10s, or 5s as you go up/down each step.
  • Have count downs to special events.
  • Look at a calendar. Find out how many days there are in a week, in each month, in a year. How many weeks are in a year? How many months are there in a year? Name them. Which is the sixth/last/ month etc.? When are the birthdays or important dates in your family’s year? Put them in order.
  • Count how long it takes to brush your teeth, tie your shoelaces etc.
  • What can you do in the time it takes to count to 100 – get dressed, have a shower, etc.?
  • Count money in purses/piggy banks. The coin sorting money boxes are great for counting in 2s, 5, and 10s. 
  • Have fun playing maths games – snakes and ladders etc.
  • Adding circles for this game, you need a dice and pencil and paper. Each of you should draw four circles on your piece of paper. Write a different number between 2 and 12 in each circle.  Roll the dice twice. Add the two numbers.  If the total is one of the numbers in your circles then you may cross it out.  The first person to cross out all four circles wins.


Dice and playing cards

There are lots of games that you can play just using one or two dice or pack of playing cards

E.g. roll two dice add the numbers together – what is one more or one less than that number?

or Playing cards – playing snap with the number cards/ ordering the number cards / paying matching games


Most of all - have fun!




Important Information


Please send your child's reading book into school every day, this will give us the opportunity to read with the children regularly. 



Learning fund is 50p per week or you can pay half termly, our learning fund is used to enhance children's learning experiences. 


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Children must bring a healthy snack to school for their break time. This can be fruit, vegetables, cheese or crackers. 

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PE is on a Thursday afternoon. Please send in PE kit, we will keep it in school then return it to you to wash at the end of the half term. 


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All of our Reception team are here to support your child every day and if you have any questions, feel free to speak to us at the end of a school day. 


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Sullivan and Miss Watson