Last term, our topic was
Here are some of the fantastic instruments we made:
This term, we are doing
Science - Ourselves and Living Things
We have drawn skeletons and learned about our senses. We had fun smelling and tasting crisps!
A reminder that P.E Kit can be worn on Tuesdays. Also, reading books should be returned by Friday so that new books can be sent home over the weekend!
Mrs Leak
Last term we enjoyed learning about the history of toys. We looked at old toys and new toys. Some of them were very different to the toys we play with today!
This term our topic is:
We are learning about different instruments, beats and rhythm.
As well as this, we are getting ready for our Christmas concert. We're very excited!
A reminder that our music homework project is due in the week beginning: 16th December
P.E is on Tuesdays and children can wear their kit to school!
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