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Miss Fry (Cowbridge) and Miss Watson (Daisy)
Year 3 homework is spellings and maths. A list of spelling will be sent home on a Monday and times tables will be sent according to each maths group. A reading book will be sent home on Friday for you and your child to read together. Please return by the following Friday for the book to be changed.
This term, we will be having presentations about countries on Wednesday. Advance notice in the form of a letter suggesting what to do has been sent home when it is your child's turn.
PE/ Games sessions are held every Thursday morning.
Please ensure your child has a PE bag containing the following:
tracksuit bottoms
jumper/ tracksuit top
The following websites have an abundance of games, learning points etc to help your child with the above.
lots of literacy and numeracy games
Games for all the curriculum areas
search for magic key, bitsize, schools, cbeebies, ( really recommend Alphblocks great for learning phonics)
digital learning for wales – all areas of the curriculum
reading activities ( may need a subscription to join)
covers all of the curriculum
has a parents section for you to print out resources to use with children
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