Our second topic chosen by all of the children in year 3 is:
Ancient Egypt
Over the coming weeks, Daisy class will decide exactly what we want to learn about and how we are going to learn. Keep posted for photos of all our wonderful work!
Class Information
Daisy class will have their P.E lessons on a Thursday so please ensure that you bring sports wear and sensible shoes every Thursday.
On these days you should not wear any jewelry to school.
Children will be given a spelling list every Monday which they will be expected to practice at home in preparation for a test every Friday.
Reading books will be given out on a Friday and will need to be back on the following Thursday so that they can be changed in time for Fridays.
Half-termly projects will be set and children will be able to work with their families to complete these.
Theo Paphitis eat your heart out as Daisy class pitch their products for the Christmas Fayre during Enterprise Week!
We used the Tellagami app to create informative videos about famous sports people. Check out some of the ones we made below!
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